WNYMBA is proud to once again present the annual WNYMBA Swap and Bike Sale! Join us for Buffalo’s official bicycle season kick off event.

Want to sell your unused or used bike parts or bikes? Sell them at the Swap! Looking for that deeply discounted drivetrain? Buy it at the Swap! Need a gently used bike for this upcoming season? Buy it at the Swap! Simply want to hang out and talk bikes? Hang out at the Swap!

Date: April 7th
Time: 12pm – 4pm
Location: Resurgence Brewing Company, Chicago St.

In addition to all the great bike parts for sale, there will be food and beverages available. Bike drop-off begins at 10a. This is always a fun, family friendly event. We hope to see you there!

How does the WNYMBA Bike Swap and Sale work?

Selling Bikes:
If you would like to sell a bike at the swap you may drop off your bike (s) any time after 10:30a on the day of the event. You will need to fill out our sale form (see picture) for each bike. We will tag your bike and put it in the bike corral for sale. Our volunteers will endeavor to sell your bike for you during the event. You can set a reserve price for your bike if you would like to give our salespeople the ability to negotiate on your behalf. 15% of all bike sales ($100 max) goes directly to the WNYMBA trail fund. At the end of the event pickup your money (if bike sold) or your bicycle. Any bikes not picked up by 4:30p will be assumed abandoned and donated to GoBike Buffalo. No payouts prior to 3:00p.

Selling Gear: (max 5 items per person)
Cycling gear/parts/etc will be tagged and placed in the Bike Flea market. The tag will allow a fixed price. No negotiations in flea market. 15% of all gear sales goes directly to the WNYMBA trail fund. At the end of the event pickup your money or your gear. Any gear not picked up by 4:30p will be assumed abandoned and donated to GoBike Buffalo. No payouts prior to 3:00p
